The story is set in 2017 and follows a 17-year-old teenage boy James, joining a new collage. All seems like a normal day until he is then approached by a small group of large boys around the same age. The group of boys seem friendly at first until an insult is thrown at James. More insults are throw towards James until one of the boys start to push him around. the group then starts to harass James until he throws a punch of his own, the boys then see this as an opportunity to beat him up and proceed to do so, leaving James beat up and bloody on the ground. during this sequence we are shown brief flash backs of an older man standing over a terrified child (presumed to be James being abused by his Father).
We then cut to James arriving to his class; late due to his run in with the bullies and is greeted by his teacher with a detention. During the detention we see James looking outside the window and sees the group of bullies doing the same thing to another kid as what they did to James earlier. As James walks out of the school he is again descended upon by the same bullies as before however they bring along the kid from before. Again, they start to harass James however James is first to lash out, this however is ended abruptly with one of the bullies punching him in the gut brining him to the ground. The bullies form a circle forcing the unnamed kid from earlier into the "ring" with James. The bullies then proceed to beat the two boys up. The two boys struggling from their ordeal help each other up and find a new friendship in their struggle, learning that this new kid is called Alex.
There is a small time skip and we are shown that the two boys have now become very close friends. We are then shown a similar scenario to the first time we see the bullies however the two friends now have each other's backs and manage to fight off the bullies, amassing a crowd of other students.
This new-found infamy as the two boys who beat the bullies is spread around the collage. James reviles in this new-found fame and quickly becomes popular whilst Alex is left behind. James is now introduced to a new group of friends. We can start to see a slow creep of corruption in James starts to become arrogant and cocky becoming what he despised the most about the bullies. His new friends start to turn James away from his friendship with Alex and learns to despise his old friend.
Time goes on as James becomes the thing he hates until he is confronted by Alex. A massive fight ensues as old friends collide. The end results in James being left on the floor beaten and bruised as Alex walks away victorious, leaving his old friend to learn for his own mistakes
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