Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Final Trailer

Final Poster

As stated prior, a poster is image lead and is used to give the audience a clue as to what the plot and genre are. I have tried my best to present the genre of action through the use of props and the subsidiary text "He Will Avenge Her" clueing the audience that it is a revenge narrative and an action genre. using my research I found that I needed to include things like a "Release Date", "Production Companies", "Social Media" and a "Billing Block" all of which I have included.

Final Front Cover

With this Front Cover I aimed to follow all conventions, including extra items such as Graphics, Pugs, Bar codes and Footers, along with all conventional features. The Colour scheme of the page is Black, Red and white. The image is of the main characters silhouette as to provide mystery to the issue, enticing readers to pick it up.